At Prime Properties Property Management, we are an independent, privately-owned company, answerable only to our clients and completely focused on helping you create Real Estate Wealth Over Time.

Our philosophy is simple: Provide value-added real estate services at an exceptional price!

Our Mantra: Real Estate Wealth Over Time

We believe in the value, and our proposition combines comprehensive service offerings at an affordable price. Notably, we offer end-to-end solutions that meet all your real estate needs. Our goal is to make real estate investing and property management attainable to all investors, not only the sophisticated high-net-worth clients.

This fundamental view is deeply embedded in our belief system. It is evident in the services we offer, the type of clients we attract, our competitive fees and the corporate culture we foster. We are wholeheartedly committed and exemplify these ideals in our daily actions.

Our intention is to foster long-term relationships in all our dealings and build a community of like-minded clients, staff and business partners. We aim to become a valued and authoritative resource for all real estate owners, investors and tenants. As such, we strive to engage and educate do-it-yourself (DIY) or novice investors who want to manage their own properties. This is one of the ways we support the real estate investment community and contribute to the continued evolution of the real estate investment body of knowledge and best practices.

Our time horizon is not that of a typical small business and is very different than a large company focusing on quarterly performance and accountability to shareholders. Our focus is to grow our business while ensuring quality services at an unbeatable price – we are committed and invested for the long haul and establishing the foundation for a large organization that curates to each and every client a customized service and a pleasant experience.

Because we value long-term relationships more than transactions or short-term sales targets, we are uniquely positioned to help you grow your real estate investments. We make very little if any profit on the first transaction and aim to be rewarded down the road with your repeat business and use of our ancillary services. We want you to recommend our services to your friends and family and pass this fortuitous relationship on to your children.

Our business is all about people and trust. In our effort for continuous improvement, we invest in training our staff on an ongoing basis and keep abreast of industry changes. Our team members take the time to really listen. They make sure they understand your needs and diligently consider all options before proposing solutions.

They say work is not personal – we beg to differ and believe only a handful of things in life are more personal than work – we spend the majority of our time at work, and we legitimately care about what we do and the impact we have on people’s lives.